Sunday, 28 December 2014

Girl offline going back online

Hey Guys,

Sorry for not being on for a loooonng time.... Things have been crazy here!

Today I want to review a book I recently read called "Girl Online." I was sceptical about this especially after hearing the rumours about Zoe and ghost writing. However I was pleasantly surprised.

The book is about a girl called Penny Porter and how she runs a blog called Girl Online and is big on photography, one day she goes to New York and finds a boy called Noah, they fall in love. However both characters have secrets that are slowly revelled to the world...
Zoe`s writing is very easy to read as I started this as a late night read at 11pm (expecting to read like two chapters then sleep) but I was up till 1am in the morning hooked on this book.
If you want an easy read and literally a massive hug in a book then read this one. It is a really fab pick me up.

Well Done Zoe!


Lady of the Rivers x

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Tudors

Hey Guys,

This post was sort of inevitable. It is about a historical, royal,  English family called the Tudors.
This period of history has shaped my life so dramatically without it I would just be lost.
It all started when I was nine. Discovering the Tudors in my local primary school one brilliant history lesson. After studying for the term I stated to fall slowly in love with it. Then after engulfing all of the lady grace mystery novels ( a young children`s fiction about a girl at Elizabeth the 1st`s court who solves mysteries for her.), I started reading My Story and anything about the Tudors I could lay my hands on....
However, it had all been plain sailing so far but then something happened that caused massive waves... and a very rocky sail indeed. It was time for big school after changes to my education and family I ended up in a completely different form of education and school called a private school where I had no friends or people I knew and to top it off no Tudors were taught just 1066 and Normans. I still kept it up though, reading and visiting museums, castles and houses. It started to become my place to escape. The only thing that my new school hasn't touched and couldn't ruin. I hated my new school so much and the Tudors and Elizabethans gave me a respite. it became this weird sort of secret I had that I could focus on like how some use YouTube or books or TV shows. I used the Tudors. However because my school was a bit weird in year nine I moved to a separate building with new teachers and loads of new people arrived because it was the "senior" part of the school. We ended up doing the Tudors for a whole term. My teacher discovered I knew more and encouraged me to participate more in class and gave me books and DVDs to watch. (I was crushed the year after when he left, At GCSE level we didn`t study them at all it was all modern). It was then I started finding out about historians such as Lucy Worsley and Suzannah Lipscomb. I feel in love all over again with this period as I discovered I could make a job out of my love for it and life started to get better I had better friends and the school was  a little bit nicer. Tudors were now my second family and still are. ( I know I know cheesy and disgusting) I am now bolder at telling people about it and has given me a goal in my life. I now go to various talks about it and taking the subject at A-Levels and planning to do it in the future.

Do you guys have anything like this in your life and if so let me know 

Enjoy life, work hard and read a book


Lady of the Rivers

Back to school... Panic...

Hey Guys,

I`ve got those back to school blues... summer has long gone and I've now been back at school for 3 weeks and literally I forgot how pressuring and academically this school takes its studies and grades

 I got ok GCSE grades but in school standards I should just fade into the background.
For an extra project I have to do I have been researching the lives of those who used to go to my school and literally in my school if you don't earn a prize, or be dramatic or musical or anything like that you just don't get mentioned or remembered.  I feel like that is me. One day I will leave and no one will remember me or the fact I tippexed a massive heart under one of the English desks or redid my essays to improve my effort to make my parents happy. And I don`t know if that it is a good or bad thing. I will just be a number on a list or a name on a paper. And that scares me. A lot. Like if I never do something massive with my life will I ever be remembered by anyone.

Sorry for that deep Tuesday. Have to get you guys to wear a snorkel next time. 


Lady of the rivers x

Friday, 15 August 2014


Hey Guys,

Guess what it is nearly time for. CHRISTMAS.... I know, I know there are still MONTHS to go but some how just the thought we are much, much closer to Christmas than we are away makes me deliriously happy...

 I am OBSESSED with Christmas. I'm in my element. I love it because there us just so much joy and it makes me feel loved and happy. My whole family will surround me and everyone will be giving a receiving. I don`t know if any of you have felt like summer is just so stifling and way to hot (especially for me who burns and sweats the moment I set outside in summer... not even to mention the wasps... or bugs....) So yeah, coming to the end of summer and to keep my sprits up about going back to school I am going to focus on Christmas.

After all it is the most wonderful time of the year


Lady of the Rivers x

Monday, 11 August 2014

SITC and a new start

You may or may not have noticed the name of my blog has changed.
WELL COME TO A FRESH START. This is because of a little time I spent in a place called Summer In The City this is a London YouTube gathering in a massive building even after queuing for ridiculously long and being to late for the Dan and Phil line... security men are actually very scary when you try and break their rules it was still amazing. I saw doodleoddle preform on stage, MET yes I repeat MET Jack and Dean... but it was not quite the amazing meeting I was hoping for... I will tell you guys what I " Queen of embarrassment" did in good time... I saw SprinkleofGlitter do her "show" which was insane. Also just walking around stalls and merch sales was amazing I really wished I had taken more pictures and been more confident with you I want to say hi to like Tim H and Will Derbyshire and Zoella all walked passed but it looked like they were all in a rush and to be honest i was nervous. Ach well always next year. To be in a room where there were so many clever and creative people, it made me want to improve myself! Hence the facelift to my blog. I hope you guys like it and any improvements that you put forward can be carried out any how.

Work hard and read a book,


Lady of the Rivers x

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Hampton Court Palace

Hey Guys,
A history post for you today as today was the day in summer I get to choose wherever I want to go so I chose a place called " Hampton Court Palace"
Hampton Court Palace is a English palace on the outskirts of London, it was commissioned by a Tudor high up in the king`s favour called Thomas Worsley ( Cardinal for those who want to be specific). He created a grand palace which unfortunately was a bit too grand and tongues started to wag that his palace was so much better than any the king created. in the end the king, Henry VIII, took over.

This is my one favourite places to go, when there's no crowds and it is just you and the history, it really is special. The reason I love Hampton court so much is the deep Tudor connection I feel very connected to the palace and because Henry ( the 8th you know had six wives remembered for being fat...), Edward (his son, ruled for a short time, very stanchly protestant), Mary (might know her as Bloody Mary had a short reign that was mainly consisted of burning those against her e.g. protestants.) and Elizabeth ( Virgin Queen, Armada...) all stayed here I feel like it is everyone I respect in one place. However when we went there was a Georgian thing on because it was anniversary of George the 1st coming to throne. First of many Georges but the Georgian period directly relates to George 1, George 2, George 3 and you`ve guessed it George 4. It took place in the gardens which was filled with cool and interesting little stands all relating to a different part of the Georgian life at Hampton Court, I listened to a man who did a 4 minute speech on the WHOLE history of parliament from 1066 to 1700. it was amazing. After a quick gander into the shop where I started wanting to buy EVERYTHING in there. I ended up getting the coolest mug ever! It is black and has pictures of Henry and his six wives across it. but when you pour a hot drink in the disappear one by one. it is one of those little things that just make me chuckle.

Work hard, go outside and read a book,

Lady of the Rivers x

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Review of VIII

Hey Guys,

Now that exams are over. ( I know I keep bringing it up but come on they are over)
 I have had a bit more time to read ,cue excited cheering. I love to read I find it so amazing that just with a few words a good author can take you to new worlds and make you feel a multitude of emotions. I especially love reading historical or more to the point Tudor books.( whoa.Shocker there...).

One book I have been dying to read was VIII by H.M.Castor.
It was really good and well written.
 The plot was about Henry VIII`s mental illness which I never considered.  Castor said he has keep avoiding Henry and skirting round the web rather than focus on the spider in the middle and I realised I have too. It changed my perspective on his reign. The book went through his whole life, from when he was a little boy to when he dies. The main bit was about this boy Henry keep seeing a various points in his life with straw-coloured hair. This lead me to think of various things it could be, like his innocence slowly disappearing as he got older represented by a frail boy or one of the princes in the tower haunting him to remind him to the uneasy throne he sat on. I really enjoyed the book  and would suggest it to anyone who wants a good read to understand Henry vIII  more. I will be reading this again and again.
Work hard, go outside and read a book,
Lady of the Rivers x


Hey Guys,

I am blogging this from all the way from SPAIN!
Why am I in Spain?
on a quest to be adventurous.
 Even if it is with school and we are locked away in a classroom for four hours and 50 minutes a day still im here.
I have gone salsa dancing, karaoke, eaten chocolate con churros and been to a bar and have drunk alcohol.


To prove I can do something adventurous and give me a taste of what different countries are like and what it is like to TRAVEL.

and you know what I am enjoying it


Lady of the Rivers

Monday, 23 June 2014


Hey Guys,

Guess what have finshed? Oh yeah.. My exams....And as promised I would return to this little corner of the internet... So now they are completely over which means now I can finally let myself type out all my "fantastic" blog posts.

Sorry this was so short but I don`t have much time till I`m off on holiday with first family and then friends :)

Such fun


Lady of the Rivers x


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Confidence and saying yes

Hey Guys,

So today I decided to change my hair. For most of you reading this you probably change or have kept your hair the same for ever... I was one of those people, for my whole life my hair has been long, brown and straggly. Until now... today I bit the bullet in some respect and cut my hair to just above shoulder length and... dip dyed it blonde. Little bit of a change. But I actually really like it.I wouldn't call it spontaneous ( I have been planning this for 4 months ).

This is part of me say YES to things ( something a popular blogger Zoella talked about that I really agree with and want to continue). So I hope this inspires you, whoever is reading this to do something you`re scared off.


Lady of the Rivers x

creds to the internet for this picture and Zoella for the quote!


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Long time no see.

Hey Guys,

This is going to be a short one as I have a little time as I am on a quick break from revision to update you guys....


Yep you read right. a week.

if you can't tell this is me panicking. I am scared because firstly I feel like I haven`t done enough for the results I want and exams in general stress me out I would so much rather have an on going assessment over the year taking into consideration the grades of our home work and test scores then take an average on that. Anyway exams will mean I will be posting less and less and if I do they will be short not long rambly ones until the 16th June. My last exam. The day summer starts. fingers crossed I get there ALIVE!

Work hard, enjoy life, read a book

Lady of the Rivers x

Saturday, 5 April 2014

The mumps

Hi Guys

Holidays have just started but I don`t quite feel myself.

For the past few days I haven't been feeling myself. I just felt down and blugghh. Not ill but my whole motivation had gone. I like to call this the mumps when I feel like I can't do anything and I will end up failing my life. So I want to share with you guys from time to time quotes I feel that have helped me and might help you. So this even though it is from merlin,( Just saying BBC bring it back... Just a suggestion...)

I feel like it helps me because It reminds me I don't know what  the  hell is going to happen in 10 years so it reassures me everything will be fine :)
If you can`t read it, it says: " No man no matter how great can know his destiny"
Enjoy life, work hard and read a book

Lady of the Rivers x

Thursday, 3 April 2014

The joy of exercise?

Hey Guys,

So I am literally the least fittest person ever. I cannot run to save my life. My body just isn`t made that way....
But writing this I've just cone back from doing 50minutes of exercise. And it was something I enjoyed. I was in a field and I did sprints, jogging, cardio, dance even some aerobics. Its only now that im sweating and feeling the pain but I felt alright doing it. And I hope to do more exercise soon. I feel like I need to do more exercise to cut down on sweet intake so I need to work minimizing that. Especially with Easter coming up :/

Enjoy life, work hard and read a book.

Lady of the Rivers x

Sunday, 30 March 2014


Hey Guys

Welcome to the blog no one knows about.
 History it`s all about dusty books, don't touch signs, boring museums. Right? Wrong. History is so much more than that. It is all about intrigue and deception, finding out why someone did that in that way or why.
I find history extremely interesting and it is something i really enjoy. I want to share more about it on this blog. Such as castles I have visited and places I have been. I might even add some pretty vintage pictures too.            
 anyway I really do enjoy it especially the Tudors and late plantagents. I want to study them, and I get so put down at school for being this obsessed. But it is just something I fall in love with over and over again. And I hope you will too.

Lady of the Rivers x

Friday, 21 March 2014

The trick of confidence

Hey Guys

I`m not confident.

I'm probably one of the least confident people. Anything I do I always wondering what others think. So when as it today for my school non uniform day I freak out. So I even went as far this time as to buy a new jumper?? I know right.. It didn't even arrive it time.
 But the trick of confidence. One I have found most helpful is to pretend. At the moment I pretend im Elle woods. It actually really helps because then I can just pretend


Lady of the Rivers x

The loss of identity.

Hey Guys,
                  So today was field day. This means a day of team building exercises. My team was pretty bad apart from 4 people (including me).Two were girls who were okay but not really my friends and the other a boy who is probably the only gentleman left on this earth. I wasn't to bad but i couldn't help but see that they all around they took away our identity. and sense of originality. We all wore the same uniform. The same way. It just made me feel like i couldn't portray myself. Nothing. It all made me feel very samish and that bugged me quite a lot.    

Lady of the Rivers x