Thursday 18 August 2016

Thoughts on a Thursday¦ Rejection 101

Hey Guys,

This blog is written in two parts:

Rejection from a job

Rejection from a friend.

I hope this helps anyone facing those things, and even rejection from some other source like University.

It all will be ok in the end

I'm writing this holding back the tears, after failing the one thing i cannot have control over. Rejection. I have yet again been rejected for Waterstones, a job and company i desperately want to work for. I feel like their ethos and  my passion for books go hand in hand. However, for the second year in a row, they rejected me. This time i did get further than the email state, so i suppose that is progress.

I hate being rejected as any sane person does. It affects me so deeply, i feel it first in my gut, that overwhelming sense of failure, and stupidity and just loathing for myself, because i did not succeed, i did not successfully achieve my aims and my expectations.

It's the feeling of letting myself down.

Then comes the crashing down of plans. Trips, experiences, memories i had yet to discover but was going to due to this thin, this want, this job, result, aim i had gone for. but yet i failed. i failed completely and utterly
What else could I have done, what could I have changed?

Not only do you face rejection in jobs and work life. but also in friendships. Out of no-where BAM. you get that text or call which just crashes the friendship you created down. The tether you had with that person is cut and you feel lost, abandoned and scared. This for me has happened but for this it is normally not you. It is normally some thing to do with them. They might have been feeling off that morning or something could have gone wrong in their own life. It might have not been anything to do with you. But that does not mean the pain or stab of rejection you feel is any less. In fact  believe it is more, because its from someone you really care about, someone you have put time, money, effort and care into. You get rejected from someone you never wanted to be rejected from. The best way i can describe it is like when otters hold hands when they sleep to prevent them floating away, rejection from your best friend, feels like the otter or hand you put all your trust in purposely let go.

Right now i feel like part of really cheesy romantic comedy movie, this rejection part is normally happens at the main characters lowest moments, it takes them awhile but eventually after their rock bottom they become a better version of themselves.

I live in hope that this is what is happening to my friends and I, we are simply trying to live out the scene until one of us, maybe me or maybe them, learns their lessons and we can finally go back to being friends. Those, cheese-ly are always my favourite parts of movies, the section where everything works out... the epilogue.

But until then there's only one thing you can do. You can only be yourself, be the absolute best version of yourself. Then if friends, jobs or universities eject you.Their loss, because you've got to surround yourself with people who accept you as you truly are, unless that thing is harmful and breaks laws.. then probably don't do it...

Rejection is hard as it leads to loss, loss of something you really wanted. The trick is, to now aim higher.


LadyoftheRivers x

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