Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Tudors

Hey Guys,

This post was sort of inevitable. It is about a historical, royal,  English family called the Tudors.
This period of history has shaped my life so dramatically without it I would just be lost.
It all started when I was nine. Discovering the Tudors in my local primary school one brilliant history lesson. After studying for the term I stated to fall slowly in love with it. Then after engulfing all of the lady grace mystery novels ( a young children`s fiction about a girl at Elizabeth the 1st`s court who solves mysteries for her.), I started reading My Story and anything about the Tudors I could lay my hands on....
However, it had all been plain sailing so far but then something happened that caused massive waves... and a very rocky sail indeed. It was time for big school after changes to my education and family I ended up in a completely different form of education and school called a private school where I had no friends or people I knew and to top it off no Tudors were taught just 1066 and Normans. I still kept it up though, reading and visiting museums, castles and houses. It started to become my place to escape. The only thing that my new school hasn't touched and couldn't ruin. I hated my new school so much and the Tudors and Elizabethans gave me a respite. it became this weird sort of secret I had that I could focus on like how some use YouTube or books or TV shows. I used the Tudors. However because my school was a bit weird in year nine I moved to a separate building with new teachers and loads of new people arrived because it was the "senior" part of the school. We ended up doing the Tudors for a whole term. My teacher discovered I knew more and encouraged me to participate more in class and gave me books and DVDs to watch. (I was crushed the year after when he left, At GCSE level we didn`t study them at all it was all modern). It was then I started finding out about historians such as Lucy Worsley and Suzannah Lipscomb. I feel in love all over again with this period as I discovered I could make a job out of my love for it and life started to get better I had better friends and the school was  a little bit nicer. Tudors were now my second family and still are. ( I know I know cheesy and disgusting) I am now bolder at telling people about it and has given me a goal in my life. I now go to various talks about it and taking the subject at A-Levels and planning to do it in the future.

Do you guys have anything like this in your life and if so let me know 

Enjoy life, work hard and read a book


Lady of the Rivers

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