Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Back to school... Panic...

Hey Guys,

I`ve got those back to school blues... summer has long gone and I've now been back at school for 3 weeks and literally I forgot how pressuring and academically this school takes its studies and grades

 I got ok GCSE grades but in school standards I should just fade into the background.
For an extra project I have to do I have been researching the lives of those who used to go to my school and literally in my school if you don't earn a prize, or be dramatic or musical or anything like that you just don't get mentioned or remembered.  I feel like that is me. One day I will leave and no one will remember me or the fact I tippexed a massive heart under one of the English desks or redid my essays to improve my effort to make my parents happy. And I don`t know if that it is a good or bad thing. I will just be a number on a list or a name on a paper. And that scares me. A lot. Like if I never do something massive with my life will I ever be remembered by anyone.

Sorry for that deep Tuesday. Have to get you guys to wear a snorkel next time. 


Lady of the rivers x

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