Sunday, 27 July 2014

Hampton Court Palace

Hey Guys,
A history post for you today as today was the day in summer I get to choose wherever I want to go so I chose a place called " Hampton Court Palace"
Hampton Court Palace is a English palace on the outskirts of London, it was commissioned by a Tudor high up in the king`s favour called Thomas Worsley ( Cardinal for those who want to be specific). He created a grand palace which unfortunately was a bit too grand and tongues started to wag that his palace was so much better than any the king created. in the end the king, Henry VIII, took over.

This is my one favourite places to go, when there's no crowds and it is just you and the history, it really is special. The reason I love Hampton court so much is the deep Tudor connection I feel very connected to the palace and because Henry ( the 8th you know had six wives remembered for being fat...), Edward (his son, ruled for a short time, very stanchly protestant), Mary (might know her as Bloody Mary had a short reign that was mainly consisted of burning those against her e.g. protestants.) and Elizabeth ( Virgin Queen, Armada...) all stayed here I feel like it is everyone I respect in one place. However when we went there was a Georgian thing on because it was anniversary of George the 1st coming to throne. First of many Georges but the Georgian period directly relates to George 1, George 2, George 3 and you`ve guessed it George 4. It took place in the gardens which was filled with cool and interesting little stands all relating to a different part of the Georgian life at Hampton Court, I listened to a man who did a 4 minute speech on the WHOLE history of parliament from 1066 to 1700. it was amazing. After a quick gander into the shop where I started wanting to buy EVERYTHING in there. I ended up getting the coolest mug ever! It is black and has pictures of Henry and his six wives across it. but when you pour a hot drink in the disappear one by one. it is one of those little things that just make me chuckle.

Work hard, go outside and read a book,

Lady of the Rivers x

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