Sunday, 17 May 2015

The Dunce

Hey Guys,

Whoa, two posts in two days... I need to slow down...

But anyway seeing as you guys enjoy them here is another wordy, chatty and a little be deep blogpost.

I don't know if anyone of you have spotted but often in my posts there are some errors like a missed out letter or something that just didn't sound the right way-although it did in my head-.

This is because i am dyslexic ( seriously that I one hell of a word to spell, surely if we're dyslexic they should have given us n easier one to memorise and spell...) 

But anyway I am one of the 375,000 pupils in the UK with dyslexia, so yeah extra time friends...

And for a long time I might have used dyslexia as an excuse, I'm not proud of it but in year 9 I used to beg and beg my teachers to let me give up Spanish as it was so hard... However, my teacher said I could not so  I didn't and last year I managed to get a B in my Spanish GCSE and went to Salamanca. Which meant I had the confidence to take for essay subjects this year...

So what I'm trying to say is that even though for the rest of my days I am going to have to deal with my friends sighing as I ask them for the millionth time to tell me that guaranteed is most defiantly NOT spelt with a Q ( I am still convinced it is), have my essays underlined with red as both my teachers and my computer remind me that punctuation is compulsory not optional...

Anyway, what I trying to say is that if you are one of the fortunate people like 

  • Orlando Bloom
  • Albert Einstein 
  • F. Scott. Fitzgerald
  • And of course me ( and my sister)
To name but a few... SO if you do feel like a bit of a dunce, do not panic, write everything under spell check if you are like me, get your friends to help you read books ( I know you have to suck up your pride but it could be worth it) and if it is maths I had no tips as I just got the most amount of teacher's help possible and went to every extra maths lesson going and in the end I got an A ( I must have done something right?)

I just wanted to let you know as this blog is about me blogging what I am doing at the moment and with exams happening dyslexia is something I have to battle especially hard right now. 

Ladyoftherivers x

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