Thursday 11 August 2016

The Tale of a Very Particular City

Hey Guys,

This post goes hand in hand with my latest video on my channel ( Channel linked here: )

They both re-tell my recent excursion into London to go and see Jack and Dean Live.

My Video tells you the 3 less than
ideal situations that occurred because of this trip... So if you want to watch me cringing while i tell you... I hope you enjoy.

However, this blogpost is a lot more positive. I want to talk about the London trip not as a series of awkward events but as a triumph, a personal victory over that stupid enemy anxiety.

I'm sure man of you face anxiety or at least get anxious on a day to day basis, which is what happens to me.
I get way inside my head and think that anything not happening inside my house is scary. This becomes problematic when it holds me back from doing something i really want to do, like going and seeing Jack and Dean Live. So I took a spontaneous adventure. I  booked it. I did it. And here i want to break it down and tell you how and why i managed to do it for any one else who might be struggling.

1. Travel Anxiety.
This is the main one for me, as someone who is only calm when they can control things, putting my trust in trains and not being completely sure what platform they get off, is a massive thing for me. However, the train gods have looked down on us poor anxious mortals and bestowed 'The National Rail App'. It is amazing, as because i live in the middle of nowhere with the only station a good 4 mile walk away with 2 small platforms i knew, at some point,  i was going to have to make a change of train. Funnily enough this was the thing i was most anxious about... Changing trains. But the national rail app helps that, it tells you what platforms the train stops at and what time it will reach each platform. It also tells you what platform it will arrive at and show you which platform your next train will leave from. I used it for my train changes at it was amazing it made the whole thing so much simpler and took a lot of the stress out.
Therefore if your main concern in train travel is changing trains or to do with trains download the National Rail App as i will definitely help out sorting through trains.

2. Tube Anxiety.

This is something you can't really combat if your anxiety can be triggered in the crowds in the tube. I would say if you really can't stand crowds, don't travel at peak hours, pick quieter tubes such as Bakerloo Line and stay off Circle and District as they are always busy and always delayed. But defiantly plan your journeys and make yourself aware of a tube map so you roughly know where you're going as this will make your journey a lot smoother.

3. Getting Lost Anxiety.

Again, this is something a glorious app can help with...'Google Maps' not Apple Maps but the trusted Google Maps, this enables you to get directions, it will show you where you need to walk...It's basically a SatNav for walking. I used this to get to the Banqueting House ( which was amazing) and the Soho Theatre to see Jack and Dean (equally as amazing). Google Maps is a London must as instead of guessing if you are walking in the right direction, it actually shows you. If you are still anxious before the journey i found out exactly where i had to go, i planned every journey, knew the length and which streets to go down as a back up as i seriously did not want to get lost.

4. Lastly... People Anxiety.
Again this is something you cannot control, you have to ride the wave. The potential problems that arise for humans can be overwhelming, especially for me. But for this, you have to make the effort. Think about what you are doing and where you are going and how exciting that it going to be. I'm again that feeling of achievement and pride in what you have done. Honestly that feeling of meeting Jack, Dean, Hazel, Dodie and Dan was so amazing, i wouldn't have swapped it for the world. Therefore what ever you're doing will create that sense of pride within you as well. So take the plunge and go for it.

I hope this helps any of you about to take a ride either into the Big Smoke or any other scary city. Beleive me, once you have done it... It is not scary at all.


LadyoftheRivers x

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