Sunday, 7 June 2015

Current Favourites

Hey Guys,

Guess who has finished their exams.... oh yeah... this girl...Very happy about that.

This does not only mean I get to go on Yoututbe more and feel less guilty about it but I now have enough time to take pictures for these posts rather than them being long, ranting posts.

So in celebration of that I thought I'd share with you some of the things I have been currently loving.

1. Bath Products.

I will forever love the smell of Original Source's Lime shower gel. It just smells amazing and even better you smell like that for long time after ward. 

I have gotten back into Aussie products after buying them on a whim because they were on special offer. They make my hair so soft it's brilliant my only criticism make the bottles the same size, as I use more conditioner than shampoo even thought the conditioner bottle is smaller.

Simple is a classic, it moistures my face and rehydrates it to almost perfection. And I will be mixing with some sun-cream as the weather is getting warmer to product my sensitive skin.

2. Jewellery

I am really enjoying just wearing these two silver bracelets, my Pandora one will forever be my staple ( for more detail read my post here:

But a new edition is my silver Elizabeth 1st charm bracelet from Etsy ( link here: ) It is handmade by the shop owner Clare and she does a massive range of Tudor-ry jewellery which means I will be ordering a lot more.

3. Candles
 Candles are most defiantly not just for winter, for this hotter season I love floral/ fruity scents such as this one Apple and Elderflower. I really enjoy St Eval Candles there scents are subtle but last a long time and stop my room smelling quite so gross.

4. Technology
 The two technology things I have been loving is firstly my kindle specially  the Infernal Devices (like the Mortal Instruments but in my opinion better) as it means I can read heavy books without my bag breaking under the weight. I find kindles so good for travelling whether it's to and from school or more exotic locations. Trust me, if your a struggling bookworm go Kindle for those heavy - or embarrassing books-.

Secondly Instagram ( you know follow if you want it ruth_truscott) but I have just loved looking and sharing what everyone has been doing.

5. Randoms

A bit more randomly I have been loving my handmade book-laptop case. Made by CaseLibrary on Esty ( and can be made custom to your laptop. I already have fallen in love with my Harry Potter one and have had so many compliments. 

I have also me enjoying my Tudor colouring in that my friend got for me as a joke but have turned out as a success as it is really therapeutic colouring in Henry VIII or Elizabeth 1st for a couple of minutes. Go on, try it out...

Hope this have given you some inspiration,

LadyoftheRivers x

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