Recently I read that in to conform to the rules i had to be less "individual".
I was confused. Surely individuality is celebrated now especially in the 21st century society...But then again probably not considering Women and Men are not paid equally... So it got me thinking. How can i be expected to be comfortable with myself and accept who I am if i can only be myself to a certain extent.
For example for the whole of my life i have been told i am to weird to function and that no guy will ever like me because of that... one of my friends even went as far as telling me to stop being myself in order to make me more desirable... Seriously?!
So this summer I have set myself a challenge.
To become myself.
This might sound strange, hipster-y or pretencions but I have never seriously considered who I am.
All our lives we are created by the labels other people place on us like: Mother, Daughter, Father, Brother, Girl, Boy, Gay, Straight, Weird, Ugly, Fat, Skinny, Moody.
While not all of the labels are bad they might not define who you really are inside
Which is why I want to find out who I am. Yeah, a lot of it will be the same... Like I know I will still love History, be a sister, be a daughter and a Friend and have a weakness for chocolate but I might discover that I am not fat or I can finally accept that I am different and that is okay now I have stopped being my own worst critic.
So although it is cheesy and cliché it is important to remember that I and you if you reading this are struggling like I am to accept yourself and even though it seems impossible to love yourself.
I hope this helps.