Sunday, 29 March 2015

Sicilian Snapshots...

Hey Guys,

Sorry for not blogging last week but I was in Sicily on a school trip, which was amazing, seeing all the different temples and sites.

I took a few photos although only with my phone as I didn't want to bring the heavy, fancy-smancy camera., so sorry about the lack of quality!

Day One:

 This is the first temple we saw, for those who are interested it is a Doric temple, I think the god it's dedicated to is unknown. It was really fanstinating to look at especially as it mostly together so the we could see how the peristyle worked.
 We also saw a quary where random bits of temples were just left there, uncompleted for what ever reason. Amazing to think what the would have become or how they are still there after 2000 years. This is me next to a column drum. Just for comprassion, to show how massive they would have been.

Day Two:
 This is an alomost complete temple, presevereved because it was turned into a Christian church. The massive statue in fornt is a bronze Ichurous- the one who flew to close to the sun- ( yeah I know, that bit is a little bit out of proportion...)

 Some of the temples were not as well preserved, this colonnade is the only thing left of the temple of Zeus. Still interesting though.

Day Three:

 These mosaics are all from a Roman Emperor's house, wonderfully and amazingly preserved at every step there were beautiful mosaics.
 This is a man made cave gives amaing effects with noise, one person sang in here and it was an incredible experience...

Day Four:

 These are a couple of pictures for a cathedral that was made around a Doric temple. Which was mesmerizing, if you ever go to Sicily, go to the Cathedral of St. Lucy. - Also does anyone know the story of this statue, she's standing on a man's head, any ideas?
Then... this is a door covered in cat pictures... I was impressed.

I hope you enjoyed these little glimpses into my back to revision... joys...


LadyoftheRivers x

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