Thursday, 10 November 2016

Thoughts on a Thursday- Donald Trump

Hey GUys,

On Wednesday the 9th of November i was at my college's bar in Uni watching the results coming in and gradually seeing hate win. Donald Trump won the election, he is now *glups* president of the United States of America.

But why does this matter, why as a British, white, female citizen am i even writing about it.
Because this decision affects everyone. Good or bad... and at the moment i scared about the latter.
Trump as a person has said ridiculously hateful to many groups of society, and that should never be ok.
One of the leading countries in our world is represented by someone who's a racist, sexist, ageist, hateful against the disabled and so much more.
His slogan 'Make America Great again' has given in the words of Jon Cozart, given permission for people to hate.

And that's the scary part.

Trump's policies, ideas and sayings have developed this channel of hatred which is start to become accepted and normalised... People begin to think... Oh if the president can say this...So can I, I should start to view the world the way they do. As 'Them and Us' . Splitting our society into groups and segregating them.

This leads to groups getting discriminated, oppressed and abused.

That is not ok. Right. Or allowed. No one group should feel afraid to practice their faith, speak their views, or simply walk down the street late at night.

So that's why Donald Trump matters. That is why his presidency matters. He's become a beacon and mouthpiece for hate which starts to spread and spread.

Let's work and keep working to stop that.

